OpenWeatherMap provides free weather data for every city worldwide.
#Takes the name of a city and delivers
# weather data via OpenWeatherMap
import pyowm # OpenWeatherMap-module for python
owm = pyowm.OWM('a22ec5378101af24d94fb76fexxxxx') # You MUST provide your own API key - this one will not work
city = input("Weather forecast: (Enter City): ")
# Search for current weather in city via OWM
observation = owm.weather_at_place(city)
w = observation.get_weather()
# extract and print the various data
get_str = str(w)
stat = get_str.find('status') + 7
print("Condition: " + get_str[stat:-1])
tempe = w.get_temperature('celsius')
print("Celsius: " + str(tempe['temp']))
print("Humidity: " + str(w.get_humidity()))
speed = w.get_wind()
print("Wind: " + str(speed['speed']) + " kph")
it’s always too cold