Day 7: “Save our Souls” – we build a Morse Code Generator

Not only a Morse Code Generator but we also allow the user to store his morse code into a txt-file – if he asks nicely.


The terminal output looks like this



The saved file looks like this:



This program takes the topic of yesterday “Dictionaries” to a new level, since the Morse Code is saved in a dictionary.


This is the program. We have two functions: One generates the code and the other handles the writing and saving to a file.


from morse_dictionary import morse # this is where the morse dictionary is stored

# we give the user the chance to save their morse code to a text file
def save_txt(txt_morse):
    if (input("Do you want to save your text to a file? (y/n)")=="y"):
        filename = input("Give the file a name: ")
        if (filename==""): # if user enters no file name we called it "morse.txt" by default
            filename = "morse"
        file = open(filename+".txt","w") #opens or creates a txt-file
        file.write(txt_morse) # write the morse code to the file
        file.close() # close the file again

# the function takes in the plain text and converts it to morse code with the morse dictionary        
def morse_gen(text):
    txt_upper = text.upper() # since our dictionary only undertands capital letters
    txt_morse = ""
    for x in (txt_upper):
        # we get the morse code for every letter and add it to txt_morse
        # we also include two spaces after every letter to make the formatting clearer
        txt_morse += morse.get(x, x) + "  " 

    print(txt_morse)   # print the morse code
    save_txt(txt_morse) # call the save to file function
    if (input("Do you want to enter another message? (y/n)")=="y"):
        morse_gen(input("Enter the sentence you want to translate (A-Z,a-z,0-9): "))
        raise SystemExit #proper program exit
print("**** Morse Code Generator 1912 Model ****")
morse_gen(input("Enter the sentence you want to translate (A-Z,a-z,0-9): "))

This is the Morse Dictionary:


morse = {
"A" : ".-", 
"B" : "-...", 
"C" : "-.-.", 
"D" : "-..", 
"E" : ".", 
"F" : "..-.", 
"G" : "--.", 
"H" : "....", 
"I" : "..", 
"J" : ".---", 
"K" : "-.-", 
"L" : ".-..", 
"M" : "--", 
"N" : "-.", 
"O" : "---", 
"P" : ".--.", 
"Q" : "--.-", 
"R" : ".-.", 
"S" : "...", 
"T" : "-", 
"U" : "..-", 
"V" : "...-", 
"W" : ".--", 
"X" : "-..-", 
"Y" : "-.--", 
"Z" : "--..", 
"0" : "-----", 
"1" : ".----", 
"2" : "..---", 
"3" : "...--", 
"4" : "....-", 
"5" : ".....", 
"6" : "-....", 
"7" : "--...", 
"8" : "---..", 
"9" : "----.", 
"." : ".-.-.-", 
"," : "--..--"

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