Day 3: One Of A Kind – painting with ASCII Code and Python

Today we are building a program that writes a random “painting” in the terminal. We use a list of ASCII-Symbols as our paint. The output looks like this:

Our “art” will win no prizes but we use a function with two for-i-in-range-loops.


from random import randint # so we can use random/randint

def get_artsy(size):
    line = ""
    ascii = ["█","$","≡","╬","¿","▒","░"] # our ascii canvas-symbols
    for i in range(0,int(size)):
        line = line + ascii[randint(0,6)] # building the random line of ascii-symbils

    for x in range(0,int(size)):
        print(line*2) # double the line before printing so we get a more square canvas

get_artsy(input("Enter the size of the painting: "))

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