// constants are declared without a $-prefix
const name = "Robb";
// get a reference of the constant
$myname = name;
echo $myname;
// reference
Kategorie: Uncategorized
Day 64: Check If A String is a Palindrome With Python
We get a string and check if it is a palindrome:
# Find out if a word is a palindrome
def palin(word):
''' take word, build inverted string
and check if it is a palindrome '''
word = word.replace(".", "") # get rid of eventual "."
word = word.lower() # make lowercase
length = len(word)
new = list("") # build an empty list for the inversed string
index = -1 # -1 so we start building in reverse order
# take every letter and add it to new list in reverse order
for i in word:
new.insert(index, i)
index -= 1
# change list to string
new_str = "".join(new)
# get rid of any spaces in a sentence
word_stripped = word.replace(" ", "")
new_stripped = new_str.replace(" ", "")
# check if word and the reverse string are the same
if (word_stripped == new_stripped):
return (word + ": This is a palindrome")
return (word + ": This is NOT a palindrome")
print(palin("Anna")) # anna: This is a palindrome
print(palin("peter")) # peter: This is NOT a palindrome
print(palin("Name not one man.")) # name not one man: This is a palindrome
Day 28: A Simple Password Generator With random.choice()
What is the most elegant way to choose a random char from a string, list or tuple?
It’s random.choice(some_string)
I build a simple password generator that will build a password the length the user has chosen.
If the length is smaller than 8 though the user will have to redo his entry.
This is what the output looks like:
This is what the code looks like:
# A simple password generator
# creates a random String
# will ask anew if length was too short
import random
# the string contains all the chars we want to use.
alphabet = "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!@#$%^&<>?ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
def pass_gen(pass_length):
i = 1
password = ""
if (int(pass_length) >= 8):
while i <= int(pass_length):
# random.choice() is the shortest and lean way
# to select a random char from a string, list or tuple
password = password + random.choice(alphabet)
i += 1
pass_gen(input("Chosen length too short. Enter a length (min 8): "))
pass_gen(input("Enter the maximum length of your password (min 8): "))
You find more information about random.choice() here.