Day 8: Identity, Type & Value – a coming of age story about objects.

Everything from a string to a class is an object in Python. And every Object is defined by Identity, Type and Value.


Identity – refers to the location of the object in the computers memory (ie. id: 4358658568)

Type – is it a number or a string or a function? (possible types in Python include: str, int, float, list, tuple, dict, class, type, function)

Value – is the value of the object (ie. a string could be „Hello“ or a number could be 3.14)


The id or the memory-location is not particularly useful in Python compared to other languages where you might have to

free the memory manually. When a Python program exits it clears all the used memory by itself – Python is a good sport so to speak.

Memory Management in other languages can be a bit of a pain in the elbow.


But you can learn a lot about the lifespan and behavior of objects such as strings when you know their ID –  just look at the following code:


name = "robb"       # name gets a value "robb"

name2 = name        # name2 gets the value of name which is "robb"

# even though they are two different variables, they share the same id or memory slot
print(id(name))     # id: 4374158280
print(id(name2))    # id: 4374158280

name2 = "adrian"    # change name2 to "adrian"

# the id of name stays the same, while name2 gets a new id as expected
print(id(name))     # id: 4374158280
print(id(name2))    # id: 4375412952

name = name2        # change name to the value of name2, which is "adrian"

#they both have the same id again 
print(id(name))     # id: 4375412952
print(id(name2))    # id: 4375412952

name = "robb"       # changing name back to its original value

print(id(name))     # id: 4374158280 <--It's the same ID again as it was in the first place (line 6) - crazy!
print(id(name2))    # id: 4375412952

I would have assumed that name gets a new id in the end, since we re-change the value to „robb“
but Python apparently remembers „Aha – we had that value before and gives the id of the memory
location back to the name-variable – it’s a neat way of managing memory space…


The above only works for immutable types though – a new or changed value changes the id.
(Immutable types are strings, integers, floats and tuples.)


Mutables types on the other hand, like lists or dictionaries, can change their value and
will still keep their original id. Just look at this:


a_list = ["robb", "adrian"] # we generate a list that holds two values

print(id(a_list))           # id: 4383824392

a_list.append("linus")      # we include another value to the list

print(id(a_list))           # id: 4383824392 <-- the value stays the same

del a_list[:]               # clear the list of all values

a_list.append("sara")       # enter a new value

print(id(a_list))           # id: 4383824392 <-- still the same.

Day 7: „Save our Souls“ – we build a Morse Code Generator

Not only a Morse Code Generator but we also allow the user to store his morse code into a txt-file – if he asks nicely.


The terminal output looks like this



The saved file looks like this:



This program takes the topic of yesterday „Dictionaries“ to a new level, since the Morse Code is saved in a dictionary.


This is the program. We have two functions: One generates the code and the other handles the writing and saving to a file.


from morse_dictionary import morse # this is where the morse dictionary is stored

# we give the user the chance to save their morse code to a text file
def save_txt(txt_morse):
    if (input("Do you want to save your text to a file? (y/n)")=="y"):
        filename = input("Give the file a name: ")
        if (filename==""): # if user enters no file name we called it "morse.txt" by default
            filename = "morse"
        file = open(filename+".txt","w") #opens or creates a txt-file
        file.write(txt_morse) # write the morse code to the file
        file.close() # close the file again

# the function takes in the plain text and converts it to morse code with the morse dictionary        
def morse_gen(text):
    txt_upper = text.upper() # since our dictionary only undertands capital letters
    txt_morse = ""
    for x in (txt_upper):
        # we get the morse code for every letter and add it to txt_morse
        # we also include two spaces after every letter to make the formatting clearer
        txt_morse += morse.get(x, x) + "  " 

    print(txt_morse)   # print the morse code
    save_txt(txt_morse) # call the save to file function
    if (input("Do you want to enter another message? (y/n)")=="y"):
        morse_gen(input("Enter the sentence you want to translate (A-Z,a-z,0-9): "))
        raise SystemExit #proper program exit
print("**** Morse Code Generator 1912 Model ****")
morse_gen(input("Enter the sentence you want to translate (A-Z,a-z,0-9): "))

This is the Morse Dictionary:


morse = {
"A" : ".-", 
"B" : "-...", 
"C" : "-.-.", 
"D" : "-..", 
"E" : ".", 
"F" : "..-.", 
"G" : "--.", 
"H" : "....", 
"I" : "..", 
"J" : ".---", 
"K" : "-.-", 
"L" : ".-..", 
"M" : "--", 
"N" : "-.", 
"O" : "---", 
"P" : ".--.", 
"Q" : "--.-", 
"R" : ".-.", 
"S" : "...", 
"T" : "-", 
"U" : "..-", 
"V" : "...-", 
"W" : ".--", 
"X" : "-..-", 
"Y" : "-.--", 
"Z" : "--..", 
"0" : "-----", 
"1" : ".----", 
"2" : "..---", 
"3" : "...--", 
"4" : "....-", 
"5" : ".....", 
"6" : "-....", 
"7" : "--...", 
"8" : "---..", 
"9" : "----.", 
"." : ".-.-.-", 
"," : "--..--"

Day 6: Olympic Medals – have fun(?) with dictionaries

This program sorts the number of Olympic Medals won by each nation in descending order.

Countries and numbers of Medals are stored in a dictionary

This is what the output looks like (the screenshot shows only half of the list, but you get the picture):



Considered that this program basically only needed four lines of code it took me a long while to figure it out.


I wanted to sort the dictionary by its value: The number of medails. In the beginning the numbers in the

dictionary (that I got from Wikipedia) were stored as strings like this:


medails = {
     "Country A" = "1",
     "Country B" = "8",
     "Country C" = "11


It turned out that it would sort „1, „11“ and than „8“ – well because it is a string and not a number.

So I tried to store one medail number as an Integer, just to try it out but that throwed me an error. It turned out I had to turn all strings

into Integers first and then it would sort properly – even though the Python-Docs say you can mix any sort of values in a dictionary.


The program itself looks like this:

from medails_dictionary import medails # thats where I stored the dictionary

# sort the dictionary by its number values in decending order
c = sorted(medails.items(),key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)

# go through every key and print the key-value-pair
for x in c:
    print (x)


The dictionary looks like this:


medails = {
"Afghanistan" : 2,
"Algeria" : 17,
"Argentina" : 74,
"Armenia" : 14,
"Australasia" : 12,
"Australia" : 509,
"Austria" : 305,
"Azerbaijan": 43,
"Bahamas" : 14,
"Bahrain" : 3,
"Barbados" : 1,
"Belarus" : 93,
"Belgium" : 153,
"Bermuda" : 1,
"Bohemia" : 4,
"Botswana" : 1,
"Brazil" : 128,
"British West Indies" : 2,
"Bulgaria" : 224,
"Burundi" : 2,
"Cameroon" : 6,
"Canada" : 472,
"Chile" : 13,
"China" : 599,
"Chinese Taipei" : 24,
"Colombia" : 28,
"Costa Rica" : 4,
"Croatia" : 44,
"Cuba" : 225,
"Cyprus" : 1,
"Czech Republic" : 80,
"Czechoslovakia" : 168,
"Denmark" : 195,
"Djibouti" : 1,
"Dominican Republic" : 7,
"East Germany" : 519,
"Ecuador" : 2,
"Egypt" : 32,
"Eritrea" : 1,
"Estonia" : 41,
"Ethiopia" : 53,
"Fiji" : 1,
"Finland" : 464,
"France" : 825,
"Gabon" : 1,
"Georgia" : 33,
"Germany" : 824,
"Ghana" : 4,
"Great Britain" : 875,
"Greece" : 116,
"Grenada" : 2,
"Guatemala" : 1,
"Guyana" : 1,
"Haiti" : 2,
"Hong Kong" : 3,
"Hungary" : 497,
"Iceland" : 4,
"Independent Olympic Athletes" : 2,
"Independent Olympic Participants" : 3,
"India" : 28,
"Indonesia" : 32,
"Iran" : 69,
"Iraq" : 1,
"Ireland" : 31,
"Israel" : 9,
"Italy" : 691,
"Ivory Coast" : 3,
"Jamaica" : 77,
"Japan" : 484,
"Jordan" : 1,
"Kazakhstan" : 69,
"Kenya" : 102,
"Kosovo" : 1,
"Kuwait" : 2,
"Kyrgyzstan" : 4,
"Latvia" : 26,
"Lebanon" : 4,
"Liechtenstein" : 9,
"Lithuania" : 25,
"Luxembourg" : 4,
"Macedonia" : 1,
"Malaysia" : 11,
"Mauritius" : 1,
"Mexico" : 69,
"Mixed Team" : 17,
"Moldova" : 5,
"Mongolia" : 26,
"Montenegro" : 1,
"Marocco" : 23,
"Mozambique" : 2,
"Namibia" : 4,
"Netherlands Antilles" : 1,
"Netherlands" : 395,
"New Zealand" : 118,
"Nigeria" : 25,
"Niger" : 2,
"North Korea" : 56,
"Norway" : 481,
"Pakistan" : 10,
"Panama" : 3,
"Paraguay" : 1,
"Peru" : 4,
"Philippines" : 10,
"Poland" : 304,
"Portugal" : 24,
"Puerto Rico" : 9,
"Qatar" : 5,
"Romania" : 307,
"Russian Empire" : 8,
"Russia" : 537,
"Samoa" : 1,
"Saudi Arabia" : 3,
"Senegal" : 1,
"Serbia and Montenegro" : 9,
"Serbia" : 15,
"Singapore" : 5,
"Slovakia" : 33,
"Slovenia" : 38,
"South Africa" : 86,
"South Korea" : 320,
"Soviet Union" : 1204,
"Spain" : 152,
"Sri Lanka" : 2,
"Sudan" : 1,
"Suriname" : 2,
"Sweden" : 638,
"Switzerland" : 330,
"Syria" : 3,
"Tajikistan" : 4,
"Tanzania" : 2,
"Thailand" : 33,
"Togo" : 1,
"Tonga" : 1,
"Trinidad and Tobago" : 19,
"Tunisia" : 13,
"Turkey" : 91,
"Uganda" : 7,
"Ukraine" : 128,
"Unified Team" : 135,
"United Arab Emirates" : 2,
"United States" : 2804,
"United Team of Germany" : 137,
"Uruguay" : 10,
"Uzbekistan" : 32,
"Venezuela" : 15,
"Vietnam" : 4,
"Virgin Islands" : 1,
"West Germany" : 243,
"Yugoslavia" : 87,
"Zambia" : 2,
"Zimbabwe" : 8

Day 5: Calcutron 3000 – a simple shell calculator with validation

Our calculator takes in two numbers (float) and a type (sum, substract, multiplication and division). The Output looks like this


The program is pretty self explaining. We put all the logic into the calc-function. When the User has finished his calculation we ask him if he wants to make another calculation or exit the program.

def calc():
    print("******* Calcutron 3000 *******")
    val1 = (input("Enter first value: "))
    val2 = (input("Enter second value: "))
    type = (input("Choose your operation: 1 = sum, 2 = substract, 3 = multiplication, 4 = division: "))
    val1 = float(val1)  #change input string to float
    val2 = float(val2)  #change input string to float
    type = int(type) #change input string to int
    #check if both val1/val2 are valid float numbers and if type is in the range between 1 and 4
    if (isinstance(val1, float)) and (isinstance(val2, float)) and (1 <= type <= 4):
        if (type==1):
            print(val1 + val2)
        elif (type==2):
            print(val1 - val2)
        elif (type==3):
            print(val1 * val2)
        elif (type==4):
            print(val1 / val2)
        print("Please enter valid numbers!") # handle wrong inputs
    if (input("Another calculation? (y/n) " )=="y"):

Day 4: Using Lists

We are checking out how to include input-strings to a list. Interestingly the append()-function for the list only takes one argument/variable at a time.

This program would also not be possible with a tuple – because tuples can’t be changed after initialization.


data = []

name = input("Enter your name: ")
age = input("Your age please: ")
city = input("The city you live in: ")


print("Hello " + data[0] + "! You are " + data[1] + " years old and live in " + data[2] + ".")

Day 3: One Of A Kind – painting with ASCII Code and Python

Today we are building a program that writes a random „painting“ in the terminal. We use a list of ASCII-Symbols as our paint. The output looks like this:

Our „art“ will win no prizes but we use a function with two for-i-in-range-loops.


from random import randint # so we can use random/randint

def get_artsy(size):
    line = ""
    ascii = ["█","$","≡","╬","¿","▒","░"] # our ascii canvas-symbols
    for i in range(0,int(size)):
        line = line + ascii[randint(0,6)] # building the random line of ascii-symbils

    for x in range(0,int(size)):
        print(line*2) # double the line before printing so we get a more square canvas

get_artsy(input("Enter the size of the painting: "))

Day 2: A real classic – guess a number with Python

Today we code a little app that will take in a users number between 1 and 10. The program will generate a random number between 1 and 10 and will compare the two. If the user guessed right, he will get a friendly message and vice versa.

The Code:

from random import randint #so we can use randint

def guess_number(your_guess):
    random_nr = randint(1,10) # generate a random number between 1 and 10
    if (int(your_guess)==random_nr):
        print("You guessed right!")
        print("Sorry,you guessed wrong.")

guess_number(input("Guess a number between 1 and 10: "))


Day 1: How many days, minutes and seconds does the year have?

For New Years we are writing a Python program that calculates days, hours and seconds of a given year. It also checks if the year is a leap year and adds a day.

The result looks like this


The code is pretty straight forward and looks like this:

def day_hours(year, is_leap_year):
    if (is_leap_year):
        days = 366
        days = 365
    print ("The year " + str(year) + " has:")
    print ("Days: " + str(days))
    print ("Hours: " + str(int(days)*24))
    print ("Minutes: " + str((int(days)*24)*60))
    print ("Seconds: " + str(((int(days)*24)*60)*60))

day_hours(2018, False)